February: not exactly everyone's favorite month. So how about an extra dose of passion? Meet designers who took their creative output to new levels, and get the latest tips and tricks to give your imagination a boost.
Dimiter Ovtcharov, inspired by the discovery of the world's first known animation on a clay bowl in present-day Iran, created a gorgeous film with KeyShot. Using some of today's most advanced technology to finish telling a story first conceived over 5,000 years ago? Now that's what we call coming full circle.
Jewelry Brands Use KeyShot to Drive Ecommerce Sales, Develop Products
Think of some of the biggest jewelry brands in the world. Would you be surprised to know that many of them use KeyShot to develop and sell their products? Don't be surprised — there are several reasons why KeyShot is a jewelry designer's best friend.
Rachel Anne Rivera has created some of the most technically excellent and beautifully composed renderings we've seen. What's behind her artistry? A surprising humility — and a not-so-surprising drive to create her best work, every time. Her advice to designers: Don't be afraid to fail.
Sharing scenes across departments, stakeholders and development partners is now easier than ever. Generate a viewable and interactive web-based scene that anyone can view via a link when you use KeyShot Web Viewer.*
*Accessible with a KeyShot Pro subscription and KeyShotWeb module.
Luminaries is where KeyShot fans connect, learn and grow. Catch up on what's new.
Take KeyShot 2023 for a Test Drive
Spoiler alert: We're about to release the next software version, KeyShot 2023. If you'd like to take a peek, we'd appreciate your feedback on performance, the new interface, etc. (Note: This is a perk for KeyShot Pro subscribers.) Earn 100 points.
VR. AR. AI. As technology changes ever more rapidly, workers and entire industries will have to adjust. So we'd love to know: What do you think the future of industrial design looks like? 100 points for your thoughts. We're eagerly awaiting your expert opinions!
Crunchy sugar crystals, whipped frosting, fluffy marshmallow — the texture, material and color opportunities are endless in this fun challenge. Earn 100 points for submitting your creative concoction. We can't wait to see what you whip up!